Actually dah lama dah aku nak buat entry pasal doughnut ni... Tp asyik tertangguh je... Almaklumlah, tahap kemalasan aku yg teramat tinggi + kesibukan di ofis + lappy yg infected (dah pulih dah tp prevention measures taken by limiting the usage... excuses!!!). Anyway, today I'll try to finish this entry, eventhough I'm lacking of ideas to write.....
Sejak aku balik ke sini, my sister duk asyik sebut2 pasal BIG APPLE DONUTS. Dia beriya2 suruh aku try. Before aku fly ke UK dulu, the only doughnut in town is DUNKIN DONUTS. And now aku tgk, ada a few DUNKIN DONUTS competitors. Then pada satu hari tu, my sister IMA dtg umah aku and bwk sekotak BIG APPLE DONUTS. Aku tak gak makan sb masa tu aku kenyang after early dinner. Then kitaorg bwk those doughnut tu ke rumah adik aku yg kat Meru. Duk kat sana satu hari pun, aku tak makan gak sb makanan byk sgt kat umah dia. And I missed the chance to try the doughnut. Then we all balik smula ke rumah aku, and Ima sound kat aku yg dia lupa nak bwk BIG APPLE DONUTS. Aku kata tak pe la, nnt kita beli kat Alamanda (kebetulan outlet dia baru bukak kat Alamanda). So, aku pun pi la beli that BIG APPLE DONUTS kat Alamanda. Lepas tu baru aku dapat merasa doughnut tu.... Wow, it juz so nice!!!! Soft dough, creamy and nice topping and delicious taste. Sangat sedap!!!! It taste is still delicious eventhough u keep it refrigerated for days. It's better then DUNKIN DONUTS. No wonder now ramai org sanggup beratur utk beli these doughnuts. Kalau aku jalan2 kat Midvalley, aku mesti nampak org bawak a big box of BIG APPLE DONUTS.
Furthermore, these donuts come with lots of choice with weird names such as Pink Panther, Duren Duren, Chocoring, Rolling Stone, Kiwi Blitz, Semi Glacier, Say Cheese, Go Nutz, Kimochi, Green Teaser, Chocoholic, Iceberg, Whitnut, Snowy, 101 Dalmation, Choreo, Spicy Flossy, Mango Tango, Glacier, Californian Almond, Moonraker, Chococinno and The Alien. For the time being, the donut that I love most is Californian Almond. But still don't have chance to try it all becoz I have to watch my weight.... Tp last 2 weeks i really craved BIG APPLE DONUTS. Tp aku tak sempat nak gi beli. One day we all gi jalan2 kat Sunway Pyramid. Aku cakap ngan hubby aku nak beli BIG APPLE DONUTS. Kitaorg pun round la nak cari BIG APPLE DONUTS outlet. Tgk kat directory, the outlet is not listed. Tp aku bgtau kat hubby aku yg aku nampak org bwk kotak BIG APPLE DONUTS. Round punya round, terjumpa la outlet donut but it is no BIG APPLE DONUTS. It is JCo DONUTS. Oleh kerana craving for donut, we decided to buy it 6 pieces. But the taste is different from BIG APPLE DONUTS. Honestly, I prefer BIG APPLE DONUTS rather than JCo DONUTS. Anyway, tetiba my idea lost disebabkan boss aku dtg briefed me on the task that he gave to me..... :( Memandangkan aku dah dua kali tangguh this entry... So, it's the time to make it an entry now. Well, if u all rasa cam tergantung je entry aku ni, u all faham2 je la ye..... Bila blogging kat ofis ni, ada macam2 gangguan yg timbul....